Added Teacher Free Stuff
Hi everyone. There's a new site out! Teacher Free Stuff
It has free coloring pages for young students and class tools like randomly grouping students. I hope you enjoy it.
Hi everyone. There's a new site out! Teacher Free Stuff
It has free coloring pages for young students and class tools like randomly grouping students. I hope you enjoy it.
Just letting everyone know that there's a new site out. You can check it out at It's a lean notepad with multiple tabs, saved to browser's storage between uses. Many more editing tools upcoming such as sorting lines, find/replace, word counts, etc.
I used Global Sites AI to make it…
Just letting everyone know that there's a new site out. You can check it out at Ad or Subscribe. Sell ad-free access to your site. Offer your website's visitors a subscription to remove all ads, banners and more.
Just letting everyone know that there's a new site out. You can check it out at QR Code Generators. It lets you easily create QR codes for a variety of uses.
I used Global Sites AI to make it. Please let me know what you think.
Just letting everyone know that there's a new site out. You can check it out at GUID Builder. It lets you make 1 or more GUIDs easily. They are copied to the clipboard. You can even pick if you want to include hyphens, quotes, commas, or braces. I used Global Sites AI to make it. Please let me know…
Just letting everyone know that there's a new site out. You can check it out at Password Generator. It's a password generator that can use randomized words, letters, numbers, and symbols. Nothing is saved, so it is secure. Hope it is useful. I used Global Sites AI to make it.
Just letting everyone know that there's a new site out. You can check it out at Global Sites AI. It is code boilerplate to help you build static websites with AI assisted translation. I think it is a very useful tool. Check out the site for a short demo video.
I acquired four new sites. My current goal is to improve functionality and design. I'm then going to work to promote them. I hope you find them helpful now and in the future. Here are the sites:
Just letting everyone know that there's a new site out. You can check it out at CSV to JSON. This will let you easily take a CSV formatted file and convert it a JSON file. This makes it easy to take a spreadsheet style document and more easily interact with it for code purposes.
Just letting everyone know that there's a new site out. You can check it out at JSON to CSV. This will let you easily take a JSON formatted file and convert it a CSV file. Easier to translate data to something that can look like a spreadsheet.
Just letting everyone know that there's a new site out. You can check it out at WEBP Toolbox. I'm adding a series of tools to working with WEBP image files.
Just letting everyone know that there's a new site out. You can check it out at AVIF Toolbox. I'm adding a series of tools to working with AVIF image files.
Just letting everyone know that there's a new site out. You can check it out at HEIC Toolbox. I'm adding a series of tools to working with HEIC image files.
Hi everyone. I'm sharing that I'm working on a new site, Root Beer Text. I'm providing tools for text manipulation. The first one will let you take CSV formatted data, a template, and merge those into an output. I think it is really useful for text heavy manipulation. Let me know what you think.
…Just letting everyone know that I'm working on a new site. You can check it out at Markdown Toolbox. I'm adding a series of tools to working with markdown. Also blog posts that I hope will be helpful.
Just letting everyone know that I'm working on a new site. You can check it out at Root Beer Math.
I thought it would be fun to see if I could code with visual studio codespaces on android. I always thought an on-the-go editor would be fun.
First challenge: virtual keyboards seem to have some issues with selecting code, copying and pasting, or interacting with the menus.
Good news: Using a…
Ever wanted to debug your blog like you do your code? Well, now you can! Ok, so I've been tinkering with the blog generation a lot. Metalsmith seems useful, but I've had to research things several times. I didn't quite have the definition data structure right a few times and it was challenging to…
I have wanted to run my blog posts through a static site generator for a while. For a little bit, I made my own engine with RazorViewEngine templates in C#. That worked fairly well for But that's super simple. Now I'm trying to build my own. I wanted something fairly portable and…